Contact Me
    If you wish to chat (I know I love to!) here are my IMs:
Yahoo: mistos_girl, Padfoot8891
AIM: Mistoffeleesgirl, Padfoot8891, Mistokit

Here are my e-mail adresses:

    Please, contact me, I love to hear what people think of my site.
    Also, if you send me something for me to add to my site, I will do my best to get it up ASAP, but sometimes, my server goes down and I can't upload anything new or update my pages, so you'll have to forgive me.  If something like this happens, I will do my best to alert everyone so I don't get anything I can't put up very soon.  If your work is not up within two weeks, feel free to e-mail me about it, but please, wait at least that long.  Thanks!

Lendaline a.k.a. Misto's Girl, Chibi-Padfoot, Chibi-chan and Jemima